Quick change of subject. I finished one of my books today! I know I'm not setting record pace, but I think the fact that I started reading it yesterday is pretty good! I just finished reading "The Van Alen Legacy" by Melissa De La Cruz. It is book 4 in the Blue Bloods Series (I think). I really enjoyed the book. When I first started reading I was a little confused because I had sort of forgotten what was going on at the end of the last book. It had been awhile since I read any of the series, but I was quickly back on pace. I won't give anything away for those who might read the book in the future but I was more pleased with the outcome than I thought I would be. I don't know if this is the end of the series or if more will come later. It isn't one of those series that I keep completely up to date with. Next on my finish list (I have abandoned calling it my reading list because I'm pretty sure I've started every book on the list...I just let my ADD get the best of me and when I get bored, I put one book down and start another) is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. I think it is the book I'm closest to finishing. I'm at the point in the book that is past where the movie ends, which surprises me that the movie ends in about the middle of the book. SO at this point I'm trying to stay focused because this isn't stuff that is in the movie. Then I will finish either Fake Boyfriend by Kate Brian or Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Titan's Curse.
Friday my good friend Ashley and I went to an afternoon showing of the newly released movie of Percy Jackson and the Olympians: The Lightening Thief and for the first time in my life I was asked to fill out a survey based on my experience and opinions of the movie at the request of the producer. I really enjoyed that. I don't know why but as I was filling out the survey, I couldn't help but think of how cool it was! I know I know. I'm a dork. But I really did enjoy being able to give some feedback to the producers. I think Ashley had a good time as well. I've read the Lightening Thief so I had a different experience than she did. I knew what was going to happen so when we got out of the movie and the first thing she said to me was "Now I've GOT to read the books!" I was so excited! I can always count on Ashley to love all the same books and movies that I love!
Well, that's all I've got for now...oh...except for the adorable pictures of my new little cousin that I've been promising you all since January!

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