Wednesday, May 19, 2010

It's A Twister!!!!

Ahhhhh! Tornado season is upon us here in Bethany, OK and tornado alley is alive with action! This is one of my favorite times of year. I know it sounds odd but I LOVE the feeling I get when I think a tornado is gonna head right for us. I don't really get scared. I panic a little but that only lasts a minute or so until I realize I know what to do and I've already taken precautions. Since I was 10 years old (or so) i've had a tornado kit that I keep packed year-round. It is filled with peanut butter, water bottles, whistles, radios, batteries, socks, coloring pages, crayons, and an old useless analog television (don't worry...I took that out yesterday). The only things I have to worry about are 1) my dog, Gundy, and 2) do I have enough time to get to one of my 4 safe places?
Unfortunately, every time I watch the news--which is frequently as my favorite show are often interrupted by Gary, Rick, or Mike--I get an urge to watch my digital copy of Twister on my laptop, iPhone, or my DVD of it on the TV. Twister is my favorite movie. I watch it ALL. THE. TIME. I'm watching it now as a matter of fact.
You know I'm a true okie because I really am one of those people who hears the sirens and goes outside for a peek. I'm always talking about leaving Oklahoma and living in Massachusetts. (I even picked out the house... ) but I would really miss this weather too much. I would have to come back for the entire month of May.
Here are some of the reasons I love this weather.

Aren't they beautiful... :)

Monday, May 10, 2010

These Days

So. Yesterday was Mother's Day. What did you do for your mother? Some of my presents didn't exactly get here on time....but we told her what we got and told her it would be here soon during the week. She did however get to open 2 real life presents. A book on tablescapes (her favorite thing to do in the entire world) and a game called "Things". We went to church, had lunch at my Aunt Jeanie's. Then we went to see an advanced screening of Letters to Juliet. Unfortunately we didn't get tickets, so we went to Iron Man instead. After the movie we came home and as a family we played the game and laughed and had a good time and at tacos from one of Joey's favorite restaurants. That was the Gordon's Mother's Day in a nutshell.

The new thing going on in my life is test monitoring. I've been volunteering up at Bethany High School. I go in every morning at 8:45 to set up the tests on the computers and write their "seal codes" on the board. Then after the tests are set up the kids come in and I pass out their papers that have their login id's and other information. I stay until the kids finish their test and I record their scores and alphabetize the papers before I leave for lunch. Then, I go to lunch, come back, and start all over again for the afternoon session. I re-launch the test program on all the computers, rewrite different seal codes, pass out papers, record scores, alphabetize and then when all the tests are turned in to me I go home. It doesn't sound like much but I'm actually having a pretty good time.

I have dubbed this week at the official "JM Barrie Week." in honor of Sir James Matthew Barrie, creator of a world where children never have to grow up. And there will always be a part of me that lives in Neverland. If you haven't already guessed (or didn't already know) Mr. Barrie is the author of "Peter Pan" the infamous tale of a boy who never grew up. This whole week I am celebrating him and his literary genius. All week I will be watching Peter Pan related movies in honor of him. This is my schedule for the week:

Monday: Finding Neverland
Tuesday: Peter Pan (animated)
Wednesday: Return to Neverland
Thursday: Hook
Friday: Peter Pan (2003)

"To live would be an awfully big adventure."

I will be starting my new "job" of staying with my Granny soon. I will be taking care of her and helping her out a little bit. Drive her around and fix her dinners and keep her company so my family will have a little bit more peace of mind where she is concerned. I'm also going to make a facebook for her. That will be a lot of fun (for me) and I have a feeling she is going to join my team for Gossip Girl trivia...(don't be fooled's just me. She doesn't watch GG haha!)

The only other thing I have to report is that I've started sailing lessons! I've been to 2 so far, I have one tomorrow night, and after that I'll only have 2 more then I will be able to rent boats from the YMCA and sail out on Lake Hefner! I'm having such a good time learning all these different ways to tie knots and assemble my boat. I've learned about the mast, boom, sail, rope/line/sheet, centerboard, rudder, and the tiller. I've learned about the hull of the boat and the bow and port, the starboard, and stern. I even did figure 8's around booies (sp?) in the boat! Yeaaaahhhhhh!

All in all I'm having a good time right now. Things are good and I don't have a bunch of stuff to worry about. I'm feeling good! Have a good week!

I'll try to post again soon! I know there was a nice gap between postings last time...but I'll try to be better! Lol!