Monday, December 7, 2009
It's HERE!
For those of you wondering what exactly I am itching to get my hands on this holiday season, here it is, My Wish List
Twilight Scene It (Board Game)
Airhead-Meg Cabot
Being Nikki-Meg Cabot
Paper Towns-John Green
Fragile Eternity-Melissa Marr
Geek Magnet-Kieran Scott
Plum Spooky-Janet Evanovich
Twelve Sharp-Janet Evanovich
Lean Mean Thirteen-Janet Evanovich
Fearless Fourteen-Janet Evanovich
Finger Lickin’ Fifteen-Janet Evanovich
Battle of the Labyrinth-Rick Riordan
The Last Olympian-Rick Riordan
101 Best Scenes Ever Written
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
True Bloggywood Stories-Perez Hilton
Mermaid Cookbook
Best Buy
Old Navy
Jamba Juice
Barnes and Noble
Princess by Vera Wang
Rock Princess by Vera Wang
Flower Princess by Vera Wang
L.A.M.B by Gwen Stefani
Lola by Marc Jacobs
Tickets to Taylor Swift/Kellie Pickler at the Ford Center
Of course, I will always accept CASH.
Angels and Demons
Butterfly Effect
Casino Royale
Fantastic 4:Rise of the Silver Surfer
Friends Conplete series
Lion King
Meet the Parents
Mission Impossible
Mission Impossible III
Transformers 2: Revenge of the Fallen
The Fast and The Furious
2 Fast 2 Furious
Fast and Furious
Also, if you are still puzzled where to start, I will let you in on a little secret.
I have 2 separate registeries at just go to Target Lists and type in my name (Mattie Gordon) and the state (OK)! There is something for every price range! Either registery is for YOU!
Merry Chirstmas
Happy Holidays
Sunday, November 22, 2009
'Tis the Season
As you may (or may not) have heard, I waited in line all afternoon and evening Thursday for the midnight release of New Moon, the second installment of Stephenie Meyer's Twilight series. Heck, I even made the news! A camera man from News Channel 4 came in and filmed me and my frineds for awhile, interviewed all of us and a couple other people in line, and then, we were on the 6:00 news talking "Team Jacob" versus "Team Edward" (which Team Jacob DEFINITELY won) Then came the movie and OH. MY. GOODNESS. It was sooooo good. If you are a fan of the series, I strongly encourage you to go out and see it. It was 100x, no. 1000x, possibly even 1,000,000x better than twilight. The CGI is so much better. Chris Weitz is a genius, and let me just say, Thank you Jesus for Taylor Lautner. (PS. Beware of screaming fangirls.)
To Be Thankful:
This week is Thanksgiving so I can't miss my opportunity to get it all out here. This holiday season I am reminded of just how blessed I am to have the opportunity to grow up and live withing a commutity that is so supportive of everyone in the commutity. They have always been there to encourage me and lift me up when I'm down and they believe in me even when I don't. They stand behind me when I need support, beside me when I need a friend, and ahead of me when I need guidance.
To Remember:
A teacher, coach, and friend, Mr. John Griffis. You will be missed. I pray for the Griffis family every day. Tomorrow afternoon, we will be celebrating Mr. Griffis's life at Bethany First Church of the Nazerine at 2:00pm. If you had the blessing of knowing him, please come say goodbye and show his family your support. Also, tomorrow (monday) will also be Team Griffis day at Chick-Fil-A. Go in and tell them you are there for Coach Griffis and 15% of your purchase will go to their fund at Bethany First Church of the Nazerine, then Tuesday is Griffis Day at Papa Angelo's pizza in Bethany. But you have to tell them you are there for Coach Griffis to get the money into the fund!
To Forget:
Janet Jackson. And even though Michael was a good performer, I am sick of all the hype. Sorry.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
There is no "I" in "TEAM"
If you are reading this you probably know me…we have met once upon a time…and you probably know that my mouth has a tendency to get me in trouble. I already know of at least one person who will probably be disappointed that I decided to post this blog but I honestly can’t just sit here. I have to share my opinions…it is what I do. So yes, this may be crazy but this situation has me fired up.
This week something happened. I won’t say what, and it doesn’t involve me at all. I heard about it from a few different places and the absurdity of the situation took me by surprise at first, but as I watched things unfold over the last few days, I began to get that surprise quickly turned to anger.
Maybe this is just how I was raised, but I am a believer in finishing what you start. It is just understood that walking out is out of the realm of possibility. If you make a commitment to someone, or many people, you are expected to follow through and get the job done. One of my favorite sayings is, “When the going gets tough, get tough or get going.” Normally, people choose the “get tough” part, but in the particular case I am referring to for this entire post, the person, or rather, people, decided to “get going”. They did not stick with their commitments to their friends, family, teammates, or fans. Yes, I am referring to sports. Now, you may not be a sports fan, but stick with me…you might agree, you might disagree. But when a person is put into a position of leadership on a team, whether deserved or not, they have the obligation to be there for their team, through thick and thin, good decisions and bad, etc… If a coach makes a decision you don’t agree with, you grin and bear it, you get over it and move on. You have GOT to understand that the coach has some reason for making the decision. He didn’t make the decision to specifically punish you, it is not any kind of a personal attack, it was probably just in the best interest of the team as a whole. So for someone to walk out on their team because of some silly disagreement is absolutely disgusting to me.
I can guarantee you my brother or I would have even thought about pulling a stunt like this my dad would have marched us right back up to the school and apologize over the loud speaker. He would have told us we had to stick with it at least until the end of the season and we could re-evaluate after that. I can also guarantee you of a few things he would NEVER let us do. He would never let us walk out on our team, never EVER let us miss school because we couldn’t face the people we were voluntarily letting down, and under NO circumstances would he ever let us show up to gloat when it was all said and done. He would make sure I didn’t leave my house for a solid 3 months for anything other than school, church, or work. I’m sure if I were in this situation, my dad would say, “you know, you screwed up and need to make things right again.” Instead of letting me make a major mistake, even if I didn’t think it was a mistake at all. But not everyone is like that. Some people let their kids make horrible mistakes.
The recent turn of events has shown that some people just don’t have any class, or better yet, any character. They honestly believe that the world revolves around them and if anything happens that goes against their plans, then to hell with it. Those people will soon find their bubbles popped and their worlds crashing down around them. If they continue down the road they are on, walking out anytime there is a dispute or hardship, they will lead a terribly lonely life.
This is a character problem. Or, I guess I should say, a LACK of character problem, stemming from the presence of parents who let their kids do what they want and “make their own decisions” instead of helping them make the right ones. I know, I know, I am blaming the parents, but when we were discussing this post my dad said, “I may yell at the kids, but at least I don’t lead them down the wrong path.” I can honestly say though, that what has happened is probably for the best. 1. We can now see through all the smoke and mirror and see the kind of people they really are. 2. We can see that just because someone is in a position of leadership does not necessarily mean they deserve to be there, or that they can handle the pressures and consequences of being the leader. 3. I have learned that I would rather LOSE with dignity and class and honor, than to win with selfishness. 4. I’ve learned that no matter what, there is always a positive side of things…it is all a matter of perspective. 5. trust is the easiest thing to lose, and the hardest thing to build. 6. winning isn’t everything. 7. I may not have liked it at the time, but my parents knew what they were doing and made me do what was best for not only me, but those around me who would be affected by my decision and guided me through to make the correct decision. They made me take the fall when I was wrong and helped me through when I was being punished for my actions. They taught me to be the best I can be and to always try to have a good attitude. I really do think I have the best parents in the world. (sorry other parents reading). I faced the consequences when I was wrong instead of running away from everything and everyone. I was forced to take the criticisms and I am better because of it.
I am going to end now on this final note…It is another one of my dad’s favorite quotes. Think about it in this context and feel free to question, comment, or argue with anything I say.
“Usually when someone thinks they’ve arrived, they ain’t.”
No one part is bigger than the whole, we’ve got to remember that.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
It's November.
I really hope you guys enjoyed my picture poem. After I posted it I was really inspired to get the ball rolling and make some official plans. But let me tell ya, this would be a lot easier if I could get all of my travelling companions and myself into one place at the same time.
That's enough about travelling thought. What's new this month? Hmmm, there are 2 new books out that I really want to buy. The first one, Perfect Mistake, is the latest book in the spinoff series (Privilege) from my FAVORITE book series (Private) by Kate Brian...aka Kieran Scott! (shout out!) The other book I am dying to read is The Van Alen Legacy by Melissa De La Cruz. Those books are already out...they came out in October. So, what is new in November? Well, lets take a look. The first part of the month seems a little blah compared to the last part! I don't think I have any BIG plans until after the 19th! 1. November 19th, 10:00am-New Moon campout. I've got to get to Harkins to camp out in line for decent seats to New Moon for the midnight showing...yes thats right...sitting on the floor for 14 hours! FUN!!!! 2. November 20th 12:01am NEW MOON with Michelle, Mary, Me, John Paul, Jonathan, and Ciara. 3. Sometime before Thankx my cousin Emily will be arriving in OKC from Birmingham for Thanksgiving! 4. Thanksgiving! This is my 2nd favorite Holiday! I am so excited! 5. Baby Shower for my cousin, Becky. She is having a little girl (Harper Ann) in January and we are having a shower on the 29th! 6. November 30, and the last day of the month, is my daddio's birthday! Happy Birthday DAD!!!!
Well, that is my overview of November! I will keep you updated on everything going on as it happens! Hope everyone had a fun and safe October and Halloween and is still alive and well!
-Stephanie Dolman
-Jonathan Cleveland
-Brittany Blackwood
-Bailey Tidwell
-Tyler Clark
-Jon Rand Lowry
-Erin Blackwood
-Travis Pettitt
-Jared Collett
-Brynn Ross
-Christiana Hendrick
-Randy Gordon (my dad and favorite person on the list!)
God Bless.
Go Pokes.
(Team Jacob!)
Sunday, October 18, 2009
Monday, September 28, 2009
A Bad Case of the Mondays.
Bad Case of the Mondays
7:30 Alarm is screaming
I hit the shower too tired to sing and
All I want to do is crawl back in bed.
Get in my car, traffic is crazy
Man I wish you were here with me baby
I can’t help think of the words you never said.
I’ve got a bad bad bad bad bad case of the Mondays.
And it’s too sad that I can’t wait for weekends and fun days.
But no matter what I do (I do)
I know somehow I’ll get through (get through)
This bad bad bad bad bad case of the Mondays.
When I pull in no spaces are empty
That handicapped spot sure is tempting
There’s no way I can make it in on time.
This dog gone day is a long one
I can’t wait to go home when the day is done.
Get a chance to relax my body and mind.
I’ve got a bad bad bad bad bad case of the Mondays.
And it’s too sad that I can’t wait for weekends and fun days.
But no matter what I do (I do)
I know somehow I’ll get through (get through)
This bad bad bad bad bad case of the Mondays.
Get in bed when the day is finished
My despite of this day has diminished
I melt back into you arms again.
As I drift off into dreamland
I look down and see your hand in my head
And now this bad bad bad bad bad case of the Mondays
Its not as bad as I first thought when I woke up this morning.
And I know that the thing that helped me through
Is knowing I get to come home to you
You made my bad day turn into a rad day on this Monday.
-Mattie Gordon
Monday, September 14, 2009
3rd Times the charm, if you are reading this, that is…I have attempted to write this blog 2 other times this week and have been unsuccessful both times…obviously. In my original post I was going to address the subject of what I would spend my money on if I win the lottery in light of the purchase of my very first powerball ticket. I decided that the majority of my money would go to buying a house…and not just any house, a Dream House. So, I went to the crème de la crème, best of the best for luxury realty: Sotheby’s Realty’s website. . There I went “window shopping for my perfect home. Using their “Find A Property” search I was able to find a house from almost every state. Originally I had included a property by property commentary but that took a little over 2 hours to do (which then deleted itself) and I don’t have time to do that again. I will leave the list here of my top result state-by-state. If the house made my top prop list I will be sure to let you know by marking it TOP CHOICE PICK. There are 9.
Alabama 4192449 NO
Alaska 4183710 NO
Arizona 4168661 YES
this house was given as my #1 choice for the entire country.
Arkansas N/A N/A
apparently Arkansas does not have any luxury real estate.
California 4145537 YES
A yes, but not a top choice.
Colorado 4179096 ???
I’m not 100% sure on this but I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt.
Connecticut 0064405 YES
Delaware 4177697 NO
Florida 4125584 YES
TOP CHOICE PICK. I was literally salivating over this house.
Georgia 4182436 YES
Still under construction. I could do virtually anything I wanted with it. But I’m looking for something that is simple and easy.
Hawaii 4093270 YES
It’s Hawaii. Who wouldn’t want to live there?
Idaho 4136886 YES
Illinois 4193818 YES
Three things saving this property from the NO list: Kitchen, Media Room, Pool.
Indiana 4183478 NO
Iowa N/A N/A
No properties
Kansas N/A N/A
No properties
Kentucky 4194904 YES
Louisiana 4175936 NO
Looks like I won’t be moving to Louisiana anytime soon.
Maine 4075728 YES
I’m still on the fence about this one.
Maryland 4176917 YES
Not sure what to think.
Massachusetts 4130176 YES
Michigan 4180938 ???
No pictures, only drawings. Can’t get a feel for the house.
Minnesota 4181494 ???
Everyone knows I love Minnesota but the best house I got there was only OK for a luxury home.
Mississippi 4063248 NO
beautiful porches but overall, not a fan.
Missouri 4192258 YES
just look at it. Honorable mention at the least.
Montana 4122861 YES
The only thing that keeps this from being a top choice pick is that it only has 4 bedrooms.
Nebraska N/A N/A
No properties.
Nevada 4164702 YES
New Hampshire 4088757 NO
New Jersey 4169760 YES
TOP CHOICE PICK. I took a quiz that said I should live in New Jersey. This house was my #2 overall.
New Mexico 0572838 YES
Not too bad!
New York 0053192 YES
North Carolina 4192736 YES
still small though.
North Dakota N/A N/A
No properties
Ohio 4101803 YES
Oklahoma N/A N/A
No properties
Oregon 4185927 YES
Pennsylvania 4180481 YES
Rhode Island 4163920 NO
South Carolina 4188835 YES
South Dakota N/A N/A
No properties
Tennessee 4173647 YES
Texas 4137107 YES
Utah 4165503 YES
Vermont 4186084 NO
love the staircase though
Virginia 4129121 YES
Washington 4180384 YES
West Virginia 4091728 NO
Love the kitchen but not enough to save the entire house
Wisconsin 4181524 YES
very nice
Wyoming 0147801 NO
gorgeous but not enough bedrooms.
Washington DC 4193552 NO
missing the most important amenity: swimming pool.
Hope you enjoyed that segment of “what would Mattie do with her lottery winnings” tune in next time to see which car I would buy (hint: No Edward Volvo or Beemers for me)
God Bless.
Go Pokes.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
put your reading glasses on...this is gonna be a long one.
Last time I blogged I told you all about my "Fall Five". Now about half of them have come and gone and I would like to follow up on how they were. First off, I watched the Private Webseries at and I was a bit disappointed. Each episode only lasts about 5-8 minutes tops. The series barely follows the books and looks NOTHING like the Billings in my head. Reed, however (played by Kelsey Rein) looks exactly how I pictured her...but no one else does. Thomas, as we all know, is my favorite character and no matter how much I like Brant Daugherty, he does not make a believable Thomas. Everything from his stiff leather jacket (which he looks completely uncomfortable in) to his attitude seems fake. With him, and the entire rest of the cast, it feels like an actor or actress playing a part instead of actually becoming the character. I am one of the biggest Private fans out there and it kills me to write a terrible review for something I hold so close to my heart, but I am NOT a fan of the webisodes. Too much is too different and I don't adapt well to change. Next, Suspicion, the latest of the Private books came out TODAY so I haven't had a chance to read it still hasn't even come in the mail. But you can officially buy it at bookstores today...anywho, I read the teaser chapter online (Chapter 1) and I CAN'T WAIT to get my hands on the rest of the book. I am soOoOoOoOoOoOoOoOoO excited and I hope everyone else is too! Lastly, OSU started their season off with a bang last Saturday (Sept 4) beating Georgia 24-10 on their home field at Boone Pickens Stadium. I am so excited to see my Cowboys ranked #5 (up from their #9 position) in the AP Polls while OU, after a devastating 14-13 loss against BYU falls from their #3 position out of the top 10 to #13. Bummer Sooner. :)
Twilight is coming upon us fast and furious (only 73 days left) so just a reminder, if you are planning on going with me to Harkins for opening night I need your name (and $10) ASAP so I can order the tickets!
A few other things have happened since August that I would like to fill you in on...2 big things that didn't quite make my "Fall Five" but deserved an honorable mention: School starting and My cousin Mallory's wedding.
As I said, school started for me a couple of weeks ago and with that comes mixed emotions. I love having structure and buying school supplies but there is a price for everything. much money goes into buying school supplies, books, and tuition...and those are just the literal costs. But money isn't necessarily the only thing that i'm paying time is as I get to spend hours studying and reading and writing assignments (woohoo.) I get to worry about homework, tests, quizzes and crazy teachers. I am fortunate to only have come across one crazy teacher this semester (physics). I started out the semester enrolled in 14 hours of classes. Biology LEC, Biology LAB, Physics, American Literature, and College Algebra. Unfortunately, however, after about 5 minutes in my physics class I realized I was in over my head and dropped it. Now I only have 3 classes on campus (my lit class is online) I have Bio Lec, and Algebra on MW mornings and Bio Lab tuesday afternoons so I am completely done with school for the week by Thursday. Also, with school starting, that means AWANA is starting at church and I volunteered my Wednesday nights to helping little kiddies learn Bible verses so wish me luck with them!
The other event, the wedding is very fun to tell people about. Firstly, it was held at Thorncrown Chapel in Eureka Springs. I was surprised how many people actually made the journey! One of my cousins Asher (AJ) was supposed to be in the wedding but then he got swine flu. He went to the doctor and got medicine and now he is all better so he ended up making the journey. He and my cousin Tyler (Bride's brother) walked down the aisle holding hands (AJ is 13 and Tyler is 27 and they are 1st cousins). That was so funny. I thought that would have been the funniest part of the wedding...but no. After the ceremony, we all left the chapel and were in the parking lot when it was revealed that someone brought their potbellied pig to the wedding in the back of their truck...Did you know pigs don't like having their feet off the ground....because that is one thing they told us when the pig was squeeling like crazy! Some other highlights of the weekend were: my mom asking the groom who he was, my aunt Dorothy telling us "the purple haired girl is a slut", being one of five sober people at the reception, my cousins trying to convince me to do shots with them, and them trying to get me to go do Karaoke with them, my mom "not knowing how to work a matchbook", and finding out one of my cousins, Evan, is on a website for a gym where he demonstrates how to use fitness equipment....
Now....things that are coming up in my life: Twilight, Lost Symbol, Perfect Mistake, The Van Alen Legacy, Lake trip, my birthday, fall break, thanksgiving break, christmas break, all the other breaks I might get (I like breaks), Rich and Becky's Baby Senn making her appearance sometime in January, baby shower sometime in the near(ish) future, etc... And I am sure EVERYONE is dying to know what I want for my birthday.... so Iwill post my wishlist HERE!
Airhead-Meg Cabot
Being Nikki- Meg Cabot
Paper Towns- John Green
Fragile Eternity- Melissa Marr
Ink Exchange- Melissa Marr
Geek Magnet- Kieran Scott
Harry Potter Should Have Died-(unknown)
Plum Spooky-Janet Evanovich
Twelve Sharp-Janet Evanovich
Lean Mean Thirteen-Janet Evanovich
Fearless Fourteen-Janet Evanovich
Finger Lickin' Fifteen-Janet Evanovich
Battle of the Labyrinth- Rick Riordan
The Last Olympian- Rick Riordan
Take A Chance On Me: Gossip Girl: The Carlyles- Cecily VonZeigesar
Killer-Sarah Shepard
Specials- Scott Westerfeld
Extras- Scott Westerfeld
Pretties-Scott Westerfeld
Off The Beaten Path Oklahoma-(unknown)
Lost Symbol-Dan Brown
Martha Stewart Cupcakes-Martha Stewart
Mermaid Cookbook- (unknown)
Autumn With Family and Friends (cookbook)-(unknown)-Gooseberry Patch Publishing
Farmhouse Kitchen (cookbook)-(unknown)-Gooseberrry Patch Publishing
Christmas With Family and Friends(cookbook)-(unknown)-Gooseberry Patch Publishing
Red Carpet Suicide: A Guide to Keeping Up With the Hiltons-Perez Hilton
The Perks of Being A Wallflower-(unknown)
ANY Travel "FOR DUMMIES" books--see me if you are confused by what this means.
101 Best Scenes Ever Written
Best Buy
Hobby Lobby
Old Navy
Jamba Juice
Barnes & Noble
Princess-Vera Wang
Rock Princess-Vera Wang
Nina-Nina Ricci
L-Gwen Stefani
and as always, cash is accepted as well.
There you have it! Now GO BUY...after you finish reading my post and comment!!!! (and if you comment without an account please leave your name [first and last] so I'll know who I'm talking to! If you are one of my people who have accounts I can find you from there!
I'm almost done if you can bear with me for just a little while longer I'm going to tell you something. I always go on and on and on about Private but what I usually don't tell people is that when I first read the books, I went through a BIG list of real life private boarding schools convinced that it was the way to go. I narrowed my list down to 7 schools. Deerfield Academy (Deerfield Massachusetts), Berkshire School (Sheffield, Massachusetts), Wilbraham and Monson Academy (Wilbraham, Massachusetts), Tabor Academy (Marion, Massachusetts), Phillips Academy (Andover, Massachusetts), Northfield Mount Hermon School (Mount Hermon, Massachusetts), and Cushing Academy (Ashbyrnham, Massachusetts). Can you tell I liked Massachusetts. Well, lately I've been on a secret society kick. The whole idea of a secret society is exciting and I wish I was in one. So I found a list of prep school tht have secret societies and guess what was on the list? Deerfield Academy, my #1 choice! So...I've pretty much decided if/when I have kids I'm gonna try to get them in there. I am BIG on tradition and I would have loved to go to an old school that has a lot of history and traditions that have to be observed and from what I can tell, Deerfield has everything I am looking for. Sure it cost TONS of money but that is what savings accounts and scholarships are for right? They have to use that endowment money somewhere don't they!
Okay well...thats all for now. I'm getting a bit tired. I'm going to go find my dad and pitch him the idea of painting the room i will be moving into orange.
Go Pokes. God Bless.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
The Fall Five
The Fall Five.
by Mattie Gordon.
1.The “Private” Trifecta! I had each of these listed separately and they took up 3 of my 5 spots so I am combining them into one so I’ll have room for other fun bits of entertainment!
Private Webisodes. That’s right! For all you girls out there that I have encouraged to read
the “Private” novels by Kate Brian (aka Kieran Scott) our time has come. Brought to you
by the executive producers of Gossip Girl and we will see our favorite characters
come to life. As of right now you will need access to the internet to watch the episodes but
if it gets a big enough following there is a chance it could get picked up by a network! You
can watch Private: The Casting Call right now and watch the mini reality series to see
which lucky fan will get to play the role of Kiran Hayes in the webisodes. Private the
Webseries scripted shows start August 11th so don’t miss out on any of the action!
Suspicion. The latest book in the Private series that picks up at the end of Paradise Lost.
READING NOW! Find out what happens after Reed gets pushed off the boat at the Ryan’s
Casino Night. You can catch the teaser chapter/opening chapter up now on the website,
but you will have to wait another month for the rest of the book because it won’t be
released until September 8th in bookstores near you…(or you can wait until I’m done and
borrow my copy)
Perfect Mistake. If you have been keeping up with Ariana and her adventures at Atherton-
Price then you will be excited to know that she’s back in action in Kate Brian’s latest
Privilege novel Perfect Mistake out October 27th!
For more information or to watch the webisodes go to
2.The Van Alen Legacy. Schuler Van Alen is back in the fourth installment in Melissa De La Cruz’s Blue Bloods series. See what happens with Bliss, Jack, Mimi, and the rest of the Blue Bloods now that all hell has broken loose…literally! Lol! Keep an eye out for it in stores on October 16! (Which also happens to be my cousin Tyler’s birthday!)
3. It can’t go without being said. The Twilight Saga: New Moon hits theaters November 20th and you can bet I’ll be in line early on the 19th for the midnight showing at Harkins. Hit me up if anyone is interested! I’ll be more than happy to have some company in line at about 10:00 in the morning….I’m in for a loooonnnng sit. I’m just excited to see Jacob. I’m now a Team Jacob person because Edward is creepy and annoying and perfect and sometimes it is the flaws that make a person great. I won’t spoil the plot for those of you who are waiting for the movies to find out what happens.
4. Ladies and Gentlemen, Boys and Girls, Children of all….well, nevermind…little kids should read this book until they learn truth from fiction but if you are looking for a good read, Dan Brown has done it again. He introduced us to Professor Robert Langdon. A Harvard Professor who has a knack for solving the mysteries of the world…Then he showed us how Robert got his start with the prequel Angels and Demons. Now, Dan is back with a new book entitled “The Lost Symbol” which is set to be released September 15…the day before my birthday. (that would make a great present for Dan Brown fans…hint hint)
5. Oklahoma State University Football. I hear we actually have a pretty decent team this year and I'm looking forward to (hopefully) kicking some butt and taking names...specifically kicking sooner butt... Woohoo Go Pokes! Look out for the season opener against Georgia on September 5th at2:30 pm at Boone Pickens Stadium. It's televised on ABC and as always, you can hear the game on the Cowboy Radio Network 96.1 fm!!!!
Saturday, July 18, 2009
100 Things you might not know about me!
-I am a die-hard Oklahoma State University Cowboys fan!
- When I was in 6th grade a 5th grader stabbed me in the leg with his cello endpin. No lie. And I got in trouble for it because I got mad and tried to chase him off….even though I couldn’t run on my leg so I was barely limping after…
- Also when I was in 6th grade I went on my brother’s sr. trip to Six Flags and Medieval Times. I got to skip school!
- When I was about 9,I used to think if I couldn’t recite the alphabet backwards, if I got pulled over I would get arrested…so I learned to say the alphabet backwards.
- I am really super good at reciting the Peter Piper tongue twister. It is one of my only talents.
- I can say the names of all the states in alphabetical order in 17 seconds.
- I collect DVD’s, Business Cards, and purses.
- I have never left the country.
- I have 2 trips on my mind right now, The first one is a trip to London. I’ve wanted to go to London for as long as I can remember but I have never gotten the opportunity. The other trip is a road trip with all my best friends to visit all the Ivy League Colleges and buying a t-shirt from every single one of them!
- I love to read...but only for entertainment. Reading to learn is something I 100% can’t do.
- I don’t like pizza very much.
-I LOVE to eat fruit.
- I love reading books that are in a series. My 3 favorite series’ are 1)The Private Series[including spinoff series the Privilege Series…I count both of them as one because privilege wouldn’t make sense without Private] 2) Harry Potter, and 3) Twilight.
- I love eating plain ‘ole homemade vanilla ice cream.
- I would rather eat pie than cake
- I make an award-winning apple pie! Literally. I won first place with my recipe!
- I have a pretty good memory.
- When I was younger, I wrote my own poetry book and made all my friends read it.
- I hope to be a writer “when I grow up.” I want to write young adult fiction novels for girls.
- I love to drink unsweetened Iced Tea. I’m not really a big soda fan.
- I love going to Minnesota. I have family up there and I absoultely LOVE the Minneapolis and surrounding areas.
-At the ripe age of 20 I have been to Las Vegas twice and love it there. I will probably be going back soon!
- I am a television fanatic. I watch way too much T.V…I just wish my treadmill were still in the living room so at least I could work out while watching TV so I wouldn’t feel like sucha slug.
- I love bread. I judge restaurants by how much I like the bread.
-I am a list maker. If I don’t set a list, I won’t accomplish anything.
- I frequently “shop” for my future home (when I am a millionaire) and I make lists of things I want in my dream house.
- I am very loyal and very trusting…sometimes too trusting.
- I am not a very good judge of character so I, unfortunately, I end up trusting the wrong people…and as you have already read, I sometimes am too trusting.
- I could watch the movie “Step Up 2: The Streets” everyday. It pumps me up and makes me want to dance.
- I love to cook and bake.
- My favorite “bad guy” is Bellatrix Lestrange from Harry Potter. I dyed my hair black last October so I could be like her for Halloween…unfortunately I hated having black hair…
-I dye my hair a lot. In the past year I have have 4 different colors of blonde, light brown, dark brown, black, red, orange, and purple. Yes…that is right purple hair…but those were just strips.
-I am constantly on the lookout for a good deal. I’m a good bargain shopper when I need to be…
- In my opinion, there are very few things are as satisfying than getting something in the mail…like snail mail…not e-mail.
- I am very opinionated. Generally, I am pretty good at holding my tongue in an argument but I really lose it when people start making assumptions about me based on the things I like.
- I hate when people assume that because I am blonde, that I am dumb. The fastest way to piss me off is to call me stupid.
- I have two HUGE pet peeves. The first one is when people develop opinions about things they don’t know about…like the whole Harry Potter thing. “It is evil because it is all about witches and magic.” That opinion is absolute bull because if you read it you will see that yes, it has witches and magic in it but that isn’t what it is about. It is a coming of age story about a boy who, aside from normal teenage stuff, has to deal with the fact that the fate of his entire world is on his shoulders, and it is a tale of good versus evil. My other pet peeve is when people use I where they should use me. ATTENTION EVERYONE….“I” IS NOT ALWAYS CORRECT! Or when people talk about “His and I’s party” or whatever. “I’s” is NEVER correct. It is MY. Sheesh!
-I have torn the ligaments in both of my ankles twice.
-I firmly believe that I enjoyed High School so much because I was involved in a lot of things.
- It is a dorky game, and I know it, but I absolutely love playing the Sims.
- I can’t fully clean my apartment without fabreze.
- Spiders and wasps and other creepy crawlies freak me out. When it comes to bugs, I am a wimp.
- Grape is my favorite flavor of Okie Snow.
-I used to want my own personal airplane but I watched a special on the travel channel that showed just how much it costs to 1) buy the airplane, 2) modify it to meet my requirements, 3) fuel it, 4) employ people to keep it running and in good condition and pilot it, not to mention maintenance costs.
-Caribbean Passion is my favorite flavor of Jamba Juice.
- I have been known to order water when forced to go to Starbucks…but I have lately found out that Iced Green Tea is okay too.
- Hamburgers are my favorite food on the PLANET.
- I don’t eat lettuce…unless I have LOTS of ranch.
- I love the rain. I would seriously not be upset if it rained EVERY DAY. I would be just fine living in a place like Seattle.
-I only eat the chex out of chex mix.
- I cannot stand trail mix.
- Travelling is so much fun. I travel every time I get the chance. But I always look forward to coming home.
- I am not the typical girlie girl. I would rather watch football than go out shopping on a Saturday afternoon.
-Baseball is my absolute favorite sport!
-I have a major problem. If I find a book that I love, I buy it and then I loan it out to everyone I know…and then I buy another copy…and then I loan that out…and I end up with 3 or 4 copies of my favorite books that I keep on rotation between all of my friends.
-Wipeout may be the funniest show on television. I love watching people making fools out of themselves!
-I have lots of books and lots of movies that people borrow all the time…Sometimes I feel like Blockbuster…and the Library all in one!
-I’m wired backwards. Tylenol PM and Simply sleep make my hyper. Caffiene and Sugar make me sleepy.
- Sometimes my strong opinions make me lose more friends than they help me gain.
- I think it is really important to save as much money as possible. Most people say you should save 10% of every paycheck…I save a minimum of 50%. You never know when you are going to need the money.
- I am paranoid about my apartment. I don’t ever lock the door so every night when I get home I have to open all the doors and turn on all the lights and go into every room and closet to make sure no one is lurking around…
- Sometimes, when I don’t like something, I tell people I am allergic to it.
- I have trouble forgiving people who betray my trust.
- My family calls me “the sickly child” because I vomit a lot.
-I have seen every episode of Hannah Montana. Don’t ask me why…I just have.
- Christmas is fun because you get lots of presents, but my all-time favorite holiday is the 4th of July.
- The majority of the books I read all take place in New England.
- I collect “For Dummies” Books…mostly the Travel books.
- I hate reading movie reviews in the Oklahoma Gazette. I almost always disagree.
- I am terrible at math and I think it is rediculous that someone majoring in Library Sciences is expected to take Calculus.
- My hair is a lot thicker than it looks and it takes forever for it to dry.
- I have a Netflix account and love that I can watch every episode of South Park online.
- My Sunday School class meets on Saturday Night.
- I am a night person.
-I get really disoriented in the morning. I’m that person who staggers around for a while before falling back down on the bed and having to sit there until I remember how to walk.
- I can’t stand walnuts by themself, but I love brownies with walnuts in them.
- Helena Bonham Carter is amazing.
- Of all the fruit juices available for breakfast, my favorite is red grape juice.
- The crust is my favorite part of the pizza. Sometimes I only eat the crusts.
- I really like Retro aprons. I think I am going to start collecting aprons.
- My family goes to the Oklahoma State Fair every year and everyone goes.
- I couldn’t live without Dippin’ Dots.
- DVR has spoiled me. I frequently find myself asking people to rewind life so I could see that again…I get lots of funny looks.
- I'm a member of the Oklahoma City Museum of Art.
-There are a lot of people I know who think they deserve respect and they demand that respect, but have done absolutely nothing to deserve the respect they demand. As a result, I generally do not get along with said people because I refuse to respect someone who I have no business respecting. Can I say respect once more? R-E-S-P-E-C-T find out what it means to me
- The smell of barbeque sauce used to make me throw up.
- I do not like paprika…but it is fun to say.
- I dislike eggs.
- I have many irrational fears…which I keep on a list so I don’t forget…but I lost the list. So I need to make a new one.
- My birthday is September 16.
- My only teenage rebellion was the day before I turned 20, I ditched my college classes to go to the fair with my friends Ashley and John Paul and we got in for free because we told everyone we were high school students and used our old high school student ID’s.
- I don’t talk to people about relationships. Most of the time. And I definitely don’t talk to anyone in my family about them.
- I am the youngest in my family of my generation.
- I lose things a lot and I rarely tell people about it because I don’t want people to not trust me.
- I have never had braces or glasses.
- I have an iPhone.
- I cried when I dropped my phone and cracked the screen on the 2nd of July because I knew my dad would be mad. As a result, the crying made my mom mad that I was so upset about my phone.
- I read FML and it makes me feel better about my life!
my boys. Chase, Rob, Taylor, and David!
My friend Jennifer and I built this working model of a guillotine for World History our sophomore year of HS. It can cut veggies. post sex-change operation!
Chihuly glass sculptures at the Oklahoma City Museum of Art.
I am good at acting silly...and apparently I make a good lion....don't you think?
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince: A Movie Review
THE GOOD: All in All I found the movie VERY entertaining. I seriously think I laughed through the entire thing....up until SPOILER!!!!!! Dumbledore dies....where I started crying. Ron, oh my beloved Ron, really is a clueless oaf....How he can be so clueless is beyond me! Lavender is pretty hilarious, but nothing like how I imagined her. Weasley's Wizard Weezes was fun. I wish we could have seen more although I know, for times sake that would have been cinematic irresponsibility...Ron's Quiddich was fun. Him "falling in love" with Ramilda Vane might have been the funniest...that or when Harry takes the Felix Felices.
THE BAD:Now on to the movie. In one word: Amazing. In many other words: could have been better but all in all I was very pleased. There were a couple of things which weren't in the books that definitely should have been left out. When Bellatrix shows up at the Burrow and blows it up, that whole scene is unneccesary. What are they going to do for the next movie? The Burrow does not get destroyed at all in the HBP book. They still go there in DH if I am not mistaken...well, I guess that is just another thing that they are going to have to change. Another complaint is there wasn't much about the book which, if you read the book, knows it plays a larger role than the movie shows. Snape is present, as always, but he doesn't really get his shining moment as I would have hoped. There is no Bill, Charlie, Fleur stuff (darn I was looking forward to them calling her Phlegm...) and I was very disappointed that there was no Fenrir Greybeck (or whatever his name was, the warewolf who bit Remus Lupin and countless other children.) I was sad to see Luna being the one who finds Harry on the train in stead of Tonks. Although, I do Love Loonie Luna Lovegood! Lol! (say that 3 times fast!) I would have liked to see more of Neville. Felix Felices wasn't golden like it was supposed to be, it was clear, and Harry drank the whole thing instead of leaving some for the rest of the DA while they patrol the corridors while Harry and Dumbledore are out looking for the Horcrux....because they didn't show that part....or any of the Hogsmeade section.
THE UGLY: There was one really nasty lookin' Death Eater who was always with Bellatrix.
ALL IN ALL: I had a great time, I look forward to seeing the movie again (and again and again and again, etc...) I will know in the future to take me paper bags for hyperventalation for the New Moon trailer and those first few minutes of the movie when it hits you (HalfBloodPrince!HalfBloodPrince!HalfBloodPrince!) This was my favorite of the books. That being said, I was expecting disappointment at first. I will probably mull things over for the next few days, see it again and do a follow-up review when I work through my disappointment in the lack of a fight scene.
Fear not fans: If it were me, I would leave out the funeral scene too. I would put it at the beginning of the next movie. It seems to make more sense to do so. I expect they will work it in over the summer...They need the funeral fresh in your minds for Deathly Hallows....if you've read it, you know why.
DEATHLY HALLOWS QUESTION: In DH we find out that Harry's cloak isn't just an invisibility cloak, it is one of the deathly hallows along with the elder wand and the resurrection stone. It says that the cloak has powers where if you are under the cloak, you can't be hit by curses and hexes and what not am I correct? Because if I am, how is it that Draco Malfoy is able to use Petrificus Totalus on Harry on the train in HBP? What's the deal? Am I mistaken or is it a flaw in the writing? Let me know.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Thursday, June 11, 2009
Life...or something like it.

Saturday, June 6, 2009
Gossip Girl Assessment.
-Until Next Time (You know you love me, XOXO)
Friday, June 5, 2009
This morning I woke up with my hair inside the swimming cap I bought yesterday...apparently I fell asleep in it...It was tight and giving me a headache, not to mention I looked pretty silly. So I got up and started to work on some preparations for my Florida trip next week. Then my mom and I went swimming this afternoon where (yes I took my swimming cap) I got a really funny looking sunburn. And so far I've spent this evening practically swimming in Aloe Vera to ease the pain. Needless to say today has been a little bit less than productive...but at least today I did something other than play The Sims 3! (which I highly recommend by the way)
I really wish my life was a little bit more interesting if not for my own benefit, than at least for you, my readers (assuming I have readers that is). I'm sure when summer is in full swing I will have more to write about. Obviously some days are more interesting than others, I just ask you to bear with me....stick it out and I promise to write something interesting at some point.
If you are wondering if I'm anywhere else...well, I am. I'm on twitter (which I am probably on the most), facebook (I am not on as much as i used to be but I still check at least once a day), myspace (don't check often but I still get updates sent to my phone it has most of my poetry on it), and I even still have my xanga (i wrote on xanga through my freshman year of high school and I have some pretty funny pictures and comments).
Twitter: mattiegoober
Myspace: mattiegoober
Xanga: goobergirlmattie