This week my friend Ashley and I decided to take sailing lessons next month at YMCA at Lake Hefner! My mom has been trying to get me to take them for years because she took them and loved it! Now I am and I'm excited...but I'm super duper excited because I get to buy new shoes! See, when taking sailing lessons at Lake Hef. you have to wear water shoes, so I found these!
Other NEW(s)is I've finished some more books! Of my 10 in '10 list, I've already read 6 of them! Two aren't out yet and two I haven't been able to get out and buy yet but soon....I have finished The Lovely Bones, Fake Boyfriend, The Van Alen Legacy, and the entire Percy Jackson series! I've aslo read some other books! I read Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and I am currently reading 2 other books: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and A Voice In The Wind.
Well, I guess that is it for now. It's pretty late here and I should be heading off to bed instead of on twitter...or facebook....or blogspot....or www.mlb.com ...or looking at my shoes at vibramfivefingers.com or wherever else I am....watching Enchanged on USA network...
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