Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Some new poetry.
The Journey:
Eyes like an abysmal sea
churning waves to comfort me
I drink them in like liquid suns
my heart beats fast, my fever runs.
My thoughts are quick--
my words too slow.
But you, my love, already know.
You hold me tight.
I breath you in.
Your touch is soft against my skin.
Your breath is warm upon my face
as you lean in for this embrace.
Now here we stand to start our life:
The Journey of husband and wife.
From the moment the water touches my skin I'm gone.
Nothing in this world is as thrilling as the rush of the ocean,
waves beating down, crashing over my body.
The sun pours down warmth on me and I smile.
Shall I swim? No. I think for now I will float.
Soon I will ask myself, "Will I drown if I go out too far?"
Probably, but who knows.
If I am to die today I will not be afraid.
The guiding light will bring me home.
I will finally feel the joy of swimming through clouds.
In Your Eyes:
When I look in your eyes
I see specks of light that
reflect in the sun. As shadows
pass, your inner light streams
from a face that I, your lover,
see as nothing short of a perfect face.
When I look in your eyes
I see a man struggling with
the fear of the unknown. He
sinks deeper into his feelings
of inadequacy. Seeking comfort
in the eyes of a stranger.
When I look in you eyes
I see desire. Always searching
for the one way to move forward
and make your dream a reality.
on to gain the upper hand.
When I look in your eyes
I see a future. Two children
playing in the yard, Happy,
free from all the evils of the world.
Smiling faces shining down on their
father who loves them so much
he would die for them and their
safety and happiness.
When I look in your eyes
I see love. I see a man who
is not afraid of going after
what he wants. No obstacle is
too great to stand in the way
of you accomplishing your goals.
When I look in your eyes
my eyes see no flaw, no
imperfection. Because when I
look in your eyes. I see the man
I love, The man I want to wake up
to in the morning tomorrow and the
rest of my life.
When I look in your eyes
i know peace.
Monday, April 5, 2010

This week my friend Ashley and I decided to take sailing lessons next month at YMCA at Lake Hefner! My mom has been trying to get me to take them for years because she took them and loved it! Now I am and I'm excited...but I'm super duper excited because I get to buy new shoes! See, when taking sailing lessons at Lake Hef. you have to wear water shoes, so I found these!
Other NEW(s)is I've finished some more books! Of my 10 in '10 list, I've already read 6 of them! Two aren't out yet and two I haven't been able to get out and buy yet but soon....I have finished The Lovely Bones, Fake Boyfriend, The Van Alen Legacy, and the entire Percy Jackson series! I've aslo read some other books! I read Harry Potter and the Sorceror's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, and I am currently reading 2 other books: Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban and A Voice In The Wind.
Well, I guess that is it for now. It's pretty late here and I should be heading off to bed instead of on twitter...or facebook....or blogspot....or ...or looking at my shoes at or wherever else I am....watching Enchanged on USA network...